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[Discuss] Wireguard [Was Re: dovecot: "Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs)"?]

On 12/17/2020 12:47 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
> P.S. I get *lots* of break in attempts (that's how I know my connection
> is live), but my system has very few users, all with good passwords, so
> I don't worry.

I've struggled with this; with so few users it seems silly to expose
certain things to the whole world (from an IP point of view).

I've been poking at wireguard (new VPN-ish capability built in to linux
kernel; I feel like wireguard is to VPNs what NoSQL DBs are to
relational DBs), which to my initial reading seems like the right
solution:  server only exposes services to things on an "internal net",
wireguard on the mobile devices makes sure that when talking to any
services on that server that the connection gets tunneled through (with
good crypto that isn't application-specific) to the 'internal' side.

However, I have yet to get it working the way I want.  Anyone played
with it?  ( ;
