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[Discuss] dovecot: "Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs)"?

On 12/17/20 9:38 AM, Daniel Barrett wrote:
> I've started using dovecot for the first time (on localhost, to serve
> IMAP folders locally) and keep seeing this message repeated in the
> log:
>    imap-login: Info: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, ...
> Does anybody know if this indicates a problem that needs fixing?

I see them in my log file. My guess, at least in my case: Someone on the 
open internet (judging by the IP) was trying to break in but quit 
talking when authentication was expected.


P.S. I get *lots* of break in attempts (that's how I know my connection 
is live), but my system has very few users, all with good passwords, so 
I don't worry.