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[Discuss] html issue

Thanks Laura!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 5, 2022, at 1:35 PM, Laura Conrad <lconrad at> wrote:
> ?
>>>>>> "John" == John Abreau <abreauj at> writes:
>    John> Just noticed this uread thread in my inbox.
>    John> The issue is firefox, and I imagine, other web browsers, won't follow
>    John> file:// urls from a web page; such urls work when entered directly at the
>    John> address bar, but be ignored when placed within an html document. I believe
>    John> it's a security measure intended to thwart cross-site scripting attacks.
> This is probably a different html issue from the one I've been dealing
> with.  But I'll describe my problem and solution in case it  helps
> someone else.
> When I upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04LTS, firefox stopped displaying emails
> from emacs.  Emacs wrote a file like /tmp/<filename>, and firefox
> couldn't access it.
> It turns out that 22.04 installs firefox from a snap, and snap programs
> can't access /tmp files. (They claim to be able to access files in
> /home, but I wasn't able to verify that.)
> The solution I'm using is the one described here:
> <>.
> I had done something like  this a few weeks ago, and when I sat down at
> the computer this morning, after updating software without thinking, I
> was back not being able to access the /tmp files.  This version does
> some  pinning and adding instructions to unattended upgrades, that I
> don't remember doing before, so maybe it won't "upgrade" me again.
> -- 
> Laura   (mailto:lconrad at
> (617) 661-8097    233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
> <> <>
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> William Patry, in his farewell post on "The Patry Copyright Blog".
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