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[Discuss] Server Machines (was Re: ZFS on Raspberry Pi?)

I have some Arm based servers (e.g. my DHCP server, Unifi Controller, etc). 
 And I have a VM host for most of the rest.
Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On July 28, 2022 1:05:47 PM Rich Pieri <richard.pieri at> wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 13:38:46 -0400
> markw at wrote:
>> I know this is a little bit off topic, but why would you set up a
>> machine to be a server? Nobody does that any more.
> Who is this "Nobody" of which you speak? I don't think I have ever met
> them. But I know, and know of, lots of people who stand up server
> machines.
>> Create VMs to perform the services and have the IPs mapped to the VM
>> and hostmap the IP. That way you can back up the "server" and in case
>> of emergency, almost any Linux running can take the VM image and spin
>> it up.
> If you don't have a server machine to host your VMs then you don't have
> a host for your VMs. Seems like a tautology to me.
> --
> \m/ (--) \m/
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