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[Discuss] IDE for GNU Makefile auto-tools

> On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 11:37:20 -0400
> markw at wrote:
>> So can vim, that's not my point. I love the idea of an IDE, its how
>> every other application I use works. Why is it software development
>> is still in the 1970s.
>> > I always hated eclipse.
>> +1
> You, like many others, love the *idea* of IDEs. But when actually
> implemented, in their effort to do everything, they get bloated and
> slow, and they funnel your work flows into somebody else's ideas of how
> you should work. And you hate these things.

You are probably right, but like I said in another response, maybe my
brain is too "fixed" to using words like make, cc, g++, etc. rather than
the motor motion of point and click.

That being said, I like word processors, spread sheets, cad programs,
email, the web,  all the things that you do all the time. Why does
software development need to be so different?

I have used an IDE that mostly worked, CodeWright, but just not enough to
be worth while, and that was 20 years ago. I would have thought that this
could be done by now.

Maybe I need to write one :-) but what would I use to do it?
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