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[Discuss] Fwd: Old computers...

I'm hoping that someone on this list will have some suggestions on a
good home for vintage hardware mentioned below.   If the Boston
Computer Museum was still around, they would have been my first idea.

Bill Bogstad

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 5:17 PM
Subject: Old computers...
To: bogstad <bogstad at>

Hi Bill,

I wasn't sure where to go with this one, so I'm asking if you can help
me.  Someone at XXXXXX is disposing of some older computer equipment,
and I was wondering if you knew of anyone for whom this might have
some value, otherwise it's going to recycling.  The items include two
TRS-80 Model II computers and disk systems and a Tandy Enhanced
Graphics Monitor EGM-1, and miscellaneous old tower PCs and monitors,

I would appreciate any suggestions or other assistance.
