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[Discuss] Fwd: Old computers...

Model II with EGM ? That's almost as rare as Model IV, perhaps rarer with
EGM !!

> I'm hoping that someone on this list will have some suggestions on a
> good home for vintage hardware mentioned below.   If the Boston
> Computer Museum was still around, they would have been my first idea.

Well  are still around, for very large values of
"around"; they've just rebranded and relocated a couple timezones west.
Shipping to their Sili Valley location isn't cheap, but isn't prohibitive
for sufficiently rare desktop items.
But as to the real question, what's within reasonable driving range --
There's a Rhode Island Computer Museum (
<>,  Wikipedia
<>) that might be

Other resources for this quest  (New Jersey)

(If anything is embedded in a typesetting system, Museum of Printing,
Haverhill is an option.)

// Bill