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[Discuss] Failing WD Disks

On 5/18/2023 9:57 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
> The dang ticket interface was confusing, it's possible I could have said I want an RMA and moved on, but they also were presenting with diagnostic help (Mac and MS Windows). I don't know how much they might have insisted "helping" me. Still don't know?waiting for their reply.

Don't feel bad: I was chatting with Dell Tech Support two days ago, and 
their salesman technician told me that in order to repair a broken hinge 
on my laptop, I'd have to purchase a hardware maintenance contract. A 
few second later (s)he read enough of my file to realize that I had 
drop/spill insurance, and asked me to forget everything (s)he had 
written before.

The laptop is now on it's way to Dell's repair depot. I hope I get it 
back with the OS intact, but more importantly without Luse 11. ?

Bill Horne