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[Discuss] Problem converting site from HTTP to HTTPS

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 10:16:58PM -0500, Daniel M Gessel wrote:
> Obviously, this is the moment for a joke about this being a Linux User's
> group mailing list and the lighthearted joy of Linux vs. the heavyhearted
> horror of anything else, but, probably since I'm never really joking, it
> doesn't go over well...

FWIW, my only real gripe with OS X was that the interface is similar
but different enough to what I'm used to with Linux that I would
routinely fall into the trap of using the wrong keyboard shortcut,
only occasionally to significant detriment, but so often that even the
minor irritation was... irritating. =8^)  Even after years of using
it, I was just never able to make my brain adapt when switching
between the two.

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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