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[Discuss] USB Cables (was Debian 11 -> 12)

> On Fri, 31 May 2024 07:54:39 -0400
> markw at wrote:
>> I have some really really nice looking thick and heavy duty cables,
>> yet crap. You can never know. Like I said in an earlier post, some
>> cables are basically designed for power.
> There even are some which are power only, no data. The pins simply
> aren't wired. But one would notice this pretty quick, I think.
> Regardless, my mobileread anecdote? The bad cable? Was new, recently
> out of the wrapper. Like Mark says, you can't tell by eyeball, or by
> age. Brand can reflect general build quality but is no guarantee that
> any given cable is going to work properly.
>> I'm really quite surprised that the cables can be that bad. Oddly
>> enough, the RPI seems to do better with USB than my desktop.
> I think it's less that they are electrically bad per se. I think it's
> more about electrical noise coming off the system board, or even the
> connected devices themselves especially if they have external power.
> Some cables are more susceptible, or become more susceptible with use
> (plugging, flexing), than others. Is my guess.

Regardless, I would blame the cable. Proper shielding is important, proper
connector behavior is important.

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