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[Discuss] "Enter a passphrase to unlock the volume"

On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:09:10AM -0700, Kent Borg wrote:
> On 3/5/24 09:55, Kent Borg wrote:
> > This dialog has three options:
> > 
> > - Forget password immediately
> > 
> > - Remember password until you logout
> > 
> > - Remember forever
> > 
> > The until logout is the default choice. Anyone know how to change the
> > default?
> > 
> > Why? I don't want "helpful" software here and there storing sensitive
> > passphrases for me at all,

FWIW, I almost completely agree, except for the one case that I use
ssh so often that having to type my SSH key's passphrase would be
really annoying.  So I do use ssh-agent.  But even here, I found that
seahorse (Gnome's answer to ssh-agent) has some subtlely different and
worse behaviors (which I would have to research to remember) so I want
it out of my way--let me please use the official ssh agent from the
OpenSSH people, thank you very much.  This can be done, but the exact
means of disabling seahorse (and thereby re-enabling OpenSSH's
ssh-agent) seems to change with every new distro release (at least in
the case of Ubuntu, but I think it's more of a Gnome thing).  And
figuring out how to do it is annoyingly challenging, at least at the
time of release.

Truth be told, I'm actually more annoyed by the bad grammar in the
prompt.  =8^)

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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