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[Discuss] On Backups

On Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:31:00 -0400
Daniel Barrett <dbarrett at> wrote:

> Thanks for sharing your setup, Rich. I'm curious: how protected are
> you if machine A's disk dies in the middle of a ReaR backup,
> potentially corrupting the backup? How would you recover?

I keep two versions of the ReaR backups on each backup drive. If
machine A fails during the backup run then I have the previous run to
fall back on. In the unlikely event of machine A failing and backup
drive A failing then I need to reinstall from scratch and then restore
important filesystems from backup drive B.

If machine A and backup drive A and backup drive B fail simultaneously
then I pack it in and become a farrier or something. :)

> Also, what's your recommended backup schedule onto drives A&B?

Your backup schedule should be based on how much time you can afford
(or are willing) to spend recovering from complete failure. For me this
usually is once a week for the ReaR backups and every 2-3 days for the
restic backups.

\m/ (--) \m/