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[Discuss] Community out-reach... convert the masses?

I think many of us have used Linux for so long it seems inconceivable that
we would use anything but linux. I know that's true for me. I have yet to
come across any technology that was unavailable to me because I am using
Linux. This was not always the case as we well know, but with services
becoming more and more web based, the actual OS you run is becoming

We will never get gamers because Linux just isn't that good for that
application set and none of the gaming companies want to support Linux.
(That is a whole different discussion)

With the Windows 10/11 debacle and the general availability of PCs that
are on Win10 and won't go to Win11, maybe there is a case to help people
revitalize their PC?

I've been down this road before and it is difficult. Linux is not a drop
in replacement for Windows. Just as Windows is not a drop in replacement
for Mac. These are different systems with many similarities but quite a
few differences. For someone to adopt Linux, we would need to know what,
if any, deal breakers they have. You know, those cottage pieces of
software that they don't want to change or give up.

I guess the question is this: Can we help non-nerds be Linux users? As a
"user's group" shouldn't we help generate new users? Historically
speaking, I don't think there has ever been more user friendly linux
distros and better interoperability and usability.

Can anyone imagine a Windows 10 user actually converting to Linux?