discuss-digest V1 #120
leverett at massart.edu
Fri Mar 3 07:27:24 EST 2000
Greetings discussers,
I just installed SuSE Linux 6.3 on my trusty Compaq Armada 4120 laptop. I have a networking
problem. I want to connect a 3Com Fast EtherLink 16-bit 3c574 - 10/100 PC Card to an
ethernet network on my job. I was connected before with Red Hat Linux 5.2, so I know, at
least, it was working .
In Yast I followed these steps: 1- System administration > 2- Integrate hardware into
system > 3- Configure networking device. In "Selection of Networking Device" dialog box:
Network type: eth0: is fine, but the next field: Networking device type, my card, which is
a 3Com 3c574, isn't listed. The available choices are: 3c501, 503, 507, 515, 509, 579, 59x,
90x, 90x and 980. Can anyone tell me how I can configure my PC Card? Not sure exactly what
I need to do next.
- Leslie Everett
\@ Leslie Owen Everett
\\,_/\-% Pub. Serv: Computer Lab Coordinator
() O Net: leverett at massart.edu
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