Bell Atl. DSL....
Shaun Noonan
snoonan at
Fri Mar 3 16:11:33 EST 2000
You've probably heard this before, but you should check out
They'll give you multiple IPs and allow you to run servers.. for not much
more than BA charges. (And the support guys actually KNOW what they're doing).
At 02:32 PM 3/3/00 -0500, Seth M. Landsman wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 02:49:23PM -0500, Samer Kudsi wrote:
>> I am thinking of getting hooked up wih Bell's DSL service , but I am
>> since I didn't hear of anyone who was able to use it with Linux DHCP , as
>> they have there own little client.
>> Anybody was able to hook linux to Bell Atl??? Please comment.
> I believe that BellAtlantic DSL uses PPP over Ethernet, which is
>different from the cable modems. It does not use DHCP. There are PPPOE
>drivers for linux. Search freshmeat.
>"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion"
>Attachment Converted: "h:\sp\snoonan\pchome\eudora\attach\Re Bell Atl.
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