TclTK help - how to puts the contents of a text widget
Jason Nelson
jtnelson at
Thu Nov 30 11:10:39 EST 2000
A snippet of some tck/tk code that I have that does the trick:
entry .middle.elogs -relief sunken -width 60 -textvariable logs
bind .bottom.b1 <Button-1> {
exec echo "$logs" >
At 08:11 PM 11/27/00 -0500, linuxguy at wrote:
>Without discussing the merits of python, perltk, etc...
>Anyone know a simple way to dump the contents of a TclTK text widget to
>the screen? I.E. I have a basic editor going and I'm looking to implement
>a "Save" function...
>| christoph
>| linuxguy at
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