TclTK help - how to puts the contents of a text widget
John Chambers
jc at
Thu Nov 30 12:31:28 EST 2000
Jason Nelson <jtnelson at> wrote:
| A snippet of some tck/tk code that I have that does the trick:
| entry .middle.elogs -relief sunken -width 60 -textvariable logs
| bind .bottom.b1 <Button-1> {
| exec echo "$logs" >
| }
Hmmm ... Funny code, but there are things about tcl that I
haven't yet learned, so I stuffed it into a file and added
the obvious frame and button and pack commands. When I ran
it, sure enough, I got a popup error window that told me:
can't specify ">" as last word in command
while executing
"exec echo "$logs" >"
(command bound to event)
So it's not valid tcl after all. Any more clues that might
help us construct something that works? I don't offhand
know of an answer to the question. If there is a way to do
it, I'd like to add a working example to my tcl/examples/
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