Verizon DSL questions
David Allan
dave at
Tue Apr 10 09:57:33 EDT 2001
I'll second this--stay away from PPOE/dynamic IPs under Linux. The DSL
providers just don't QA on Linux and unless you really like
troubleshooting yourself, it's going to hurt. I've got SDSL through
Galaxy DSL, which is a bit expensive, but I'm 17,440' from the CO and it's
rock solid; my only fear is that it's Rhythms underneath and I have major
concerns that they're going down a la Northpoint.
On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Christian Fernandez wrote:
> get covad/speakeasy they are the best and Linux 100% support they also let you have static ip's
> and your own web/mail/dns servers at home...
> Christian Fernandez
> MetroWestBostonLUG
> ]
> On Monday 09 April 2001 23:40, Mark Caron wrote:
> I'm considering DSL for myself at home. I've already checked out the Verizon
> site and I am about 6,000 ft or so away from the c.o., so I'm ok on that
> front. I am wondering if there's anything new regarding Verizon DSL in
> regards to Linux. How Linux friendly are they these days? I know from
> reading their website that I'm probably on my own for supporting linux on
> their DSL, but that's ok I figured that. Any problems or other
> considerations I should be looking into? Besides buying a DSL/cable modem
> router, that's already on the 'to buy' list. I know it's about a 3 week
> wait I believe for the setup date. Also a friend of mine in NYC just got
> hers 2 weeks ago, and had to go through a setup program on her windows box.
> Is this just setting up pppoe? Or does it also setup the DSL modem? Am I
> correct in thinking that it's just the pppoe and I can just setup my linux
> box with pppoe and setup the DSL router and be done with it. Or should I
> just plug in my win95 harddrive and let the setup program setup the DSL
> modem then fire up linux and finish setting up linux and the DSL router?
> Thanks for any advice.
> Mark
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