M$ is bad. MS is good.

Chris Devers cdevers at pobox.com
Thu Jan 15 20:55:53 EST 2004

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Ben Jackson wrote:

> That being said, calling Microsoft M$ is a derogatory term, there are 
> people who use MS out there, and they don't like it.

IMO, it's almost worse than derogatory; it's infantile. I thought the
expression was kind of funny when I first saw someone write it five or ten
years ago -- and I suppose it has been around a lot longer than that, and
I suppose I used it myself from time to time -- but the joke is stale now.

If you're deliberatly trying to get a rise out of someone, okay that can
be fun and even effective. But this particular expression is probably
never effective anymore: it's either preaching to the choir, or to people
who could just care less. 

It may have been cute once. It's a cliche now. 

I'm not really surprised by the cold reaction. 


Chris Devers

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