MythTV Setup time!

Dan Ritter dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at
Mon Sep 29 12:41:11 EDT 2008

> > I also have my MythTV frontend making the TiVo bip-boop noises
> > when I push buttons. It's useful feedback.
> Very cool. Got a pointer to how to set that up? I wasn't actually aware
> that could be done. Simple matter of some code, or is it set up in the
> theme's xml description or _______?

In my lircrc, config like this:

   prog = mythtv
   button = UP
   repeat = 3
   config = Up

   prog = irexec
   button = UP
   config = aplay /home/mythtv/sounds/gabock.wav

And start irexec when you start the frontend.

aplay is in alsa-tools in Debian. You could use any command-line
player, but aplay is very small and doesn't emit any extraneous
output or try to stick around or what-have-you.

Googling for "wav tivo sounds" should get you a copy. It can't
be distributed by MythTV, obviously, but if someone musically
talented were to create their own noises, that would be worth
putting in as a proper UI feature.


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