[HH] Arduino and Raspberry PI

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 02:29:12 EDT 2013

Drew Van Zandt wrote:
>     There are other ARM-based boards with better I/O and similar performance
>     capable of running a full Linux, but you'll pay more than $35, and
>     you'll have a much smaller supporting community.
> Look at the TS-7500, about $100, full Debian Linux on ARM with an FPGA...


Not bad, if that's in your price range.

I was thinking more along the lines of the OLinuXino-Micro ARM9 Linux board:

which sells for $30 and has 60 GPIO pins.

Or the cubieboard:


which if it ships, might sell for about $50, and has I2C, SPI, ADC, and
a bunch of high-level I/O like USB and SATA.

(Both mentioned in more detail in the list archives.)

I expect we'll see a pile of options like the OLinuXino-Micro selling
for sub-$50.


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