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[Discuss] swift?

Since Chris Lattner was the original creator (among others but he?s the person most responsible for Swift) and he?s also the architect of LLVM, an extremely successful open source project, I personally think this was likely in the cards all along.  Apple has done very well adopting LLVM (and Google, Facebook and others have benefitted as well) and my personal belief is that Chris feels like opening up a language has many more benefits than drawbacks?.  I think (well actually I know, as the swift compiler is currently 80%+ of clang/llvm C++ code) that LLVM has a lot more influence on Swift than Apple (or Apple specific code), so I wasn?t surprised by the announcement to open it up.  I understand Apple wants to claim it, as Chris is a very important employee for them, but I think in reality Swift is derived from LLVM?

My two cents...

> On Jun 10, 2015, at 3:16 PM, Mike Small <smallm at> wrote:
> Matthew Gillen <me at> writes:
>> Languages and frameworks that are specific to iOS are not interesting to me.
> Yeah, me neither.  It strikes me as a given this only cannabilizes from
> Objective-C programmers with Apple hardware.  Other than that?  Maybe
> you could see the ?toil? project taking it up as one of their languages
> if one of them has enthusiasm for it. What, you never heard of the
> ?toil? project?
>> Contrary to everyone talking about M$ imitating Apple, I think what's
>> happening here is the opposite.  The only reason they'd open source this
> The two aren't mutually exclusive I think. But which Microsoft are they
> imitating, the one people were afraid of or today's?  Cause you can also
> interpret a company like Apple or Microsoft open sourcing something as a
> hail mary or a desperate plea for attention.  Another list I'm on had
> someone ask a similar question to Eric's when Apple had their first
> Swift press release last year (the last time the press or anyone else
> had anything to say about Swift?). Despite Wired then running an article
> saying it will "Remake Computer Programming" who actually gives a damn
> about Swift a year later. Maybe I'm living under a rock.
> -- 
> Mike Small
> smallm at
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