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[Discuss] Wireguard [Was Re: dovecot: "Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs)"?]

On 12/18/20 8:08 AM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Another is to run a full mail server on the remote VM, and use
> it as a relay for your house mail server.

I've thought about that, but like the idea of the e-mail not being 
in-the-clear in a VM. Not that my personal e-mail is a juicy target for 
the TLAs, but on the principal of it.

The relay idea I haven't thought through very far. I want to be able to 
abuse my server by storing too much stuff there and that is cheap to do 
on a physical disk but costs more in the cloud, and I'm more comfortable 
with the failure modes of a local disk than I am VM storage.

I could have the relaying always drain everything away, but I also want 
access to the e-mail both when I am at home and when I am not. At the 
moment I have my internal DNS for pointing at the local 
NATed address, while the external points to the external static IP 
address (of my both-more-expensive-and-crappier-by-the-week DSL). I 
suppose I could do a dynamic DNS to reach the server from the outside, 
and duplicate it internally, too.

