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[Discuss] Virt-Manager

That, I did... With a complete discombobulation of the display when I 
switched it to *ramfb* (fb=framebuffer?) and rebooted. X then made a 
decision that it would not start and ended up with a happily blinking 
cursor. Switched the video back to VirtIO and rebooted, then the screen 
resolution became so large that the task bar/menu was not even on the 
screen. I hit something under the View menu which brought the display to 
a finer-resolution, but at least the taskbar and menu were then 
accessible, I changed the resolution back to 1440x900.

The distro definitely has some issues with video.

On 10/26/21 11:30, markw at wrote:
> Try fooling around with the settings under "View->Details"