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[Discuss] Aptitude Test or Family Feud?

> On Oct 26, 2021, at 10:34, Eric Chadbourne <eric.chadbourne at> wrote:
> Check out this screenshot: wonder, is this type of testing is the standard now?  It seems to me that it would be very biased.  I bet you could tell things like race, country of origin, and all sorts of other stuff not directly related to the ability to perform the job.Eric C

I've never had a test like this given during a job search...

I have to assume that the idea is to test your "gross general knowledge", and in that regard it actually doesn't seem too unreasonable based on the example...

The ranked value answers _are_ logical because you get a higher benefit for knowing the grossly obvious stuff: London is capital of England, New York is NOT capital of France... and you receive less of a benefit (or deduction) if you answer incorrectly something more obscure like Malta or Antarctica.

While I don't disagree that it might put some severely undereducated folks at a disadvantage, I have to assume that's the point: they wouldn't be hirable anyway for that position and so this is an attempt to weed them out before a human interacts with them.

That all said, I'd be annoyed if this took longer than 10-15 minutes to complete, or if it was required to perform after having a phone interview with a human.
