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[Discuss] ZFS on Raspberry Pi?

markw at wrote: 
> > markw at wrote:
> >> I agree with 100% The cloud is just someone else's computer. I was
> >> referring to local machines and the use of VMs.
> >
> > Oh, well, sometimes that's a nice encapsulation mechanism and
> > sometimes it's too much bother for what you're doing.
> >
> > It's really easy for me to host several friends' websites by
> > just putting new stanzas in /etc/nginx/sites_enabled. No point
> > in separate VMs.
> >
> Seriously, if you you have a computer that 10 years old or younger, a
> respectable amount of RAM, at least try VMs. It will change the whole way
> you think about servers, services, etc. It is life altering. I was
> skeptical, at first, but I've had years to get used to it, it really is
> amazing.
> I've really changed my mindset. I can't imagine exposing an IP that
> *ISN'T* a VM. I can't imaging developing a non-trivial software project
> without a well defined VM.

I have different needs at home and at work.

At work, I provide VMs for devs and small projects. It's appropriate
and satisfactory. Large projects don't use VMs because we have really
good forecasting of needs.

At home, I don't need migration. I don't need individual backup of
services when I've got the whole machine backing up. I like having good
security boundaries but VMs aren't the only way to achieve that. I will
give up on some goals rather than run software from hinky sources.
