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[Discuss] ZFS on Raspberry Pi?

On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 22:00:30 -0400
markw at wrote:

> Seriously, if you you have a computer that 10 years old or younger, a
> respectable amount of RAM, at least try VMs. It will change the whole
> way you think about servers, services, etc. It is life altering. I was
> skeptical, at first, but I've had years to get used to it, it really
> is amazing.

Kind of.

Yes, it's nice being able to spin up a small VM for a service in a few
minutes. But it isn't so nice when all of your services go down because
the host went down. You can't do high availability with a single VM

Virtualization may be the right solution for you. Does not mean it is
the right solution for anyone else.

\m/ (--) \m/