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[Discuss] ZFS on Raspberry Pi?

High availability is a fairly specialized deployment and that is
accomplished with many different strategies. KVM has provisions for
redundant high availability. You can create two servers that have access
to the same LUNs (or us something like drbd)

Many VERY large companies run Oracle in VMware against SAN storage.

> On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 22:00:30 -0400
> markw at wrote:
>> Seriously, if you you have a computer that 10 years old or younger, a
>> respectable amount of RAM, at least try VMs. It will change the whole
>> way you think about servers, services, etc. It is life altering. I was
>> skeptical, at first, but I've had years to get used to it, it really
>> is amazing.
> Kind of.
> Yes, it's nice being able to spin up a small VM for a service in a few
> minutes. But it isn't so nice when all of your services go down because
> the host went down. You can't do high availability with a single VM
> host.
> Virtualization may be the right solution for you. Does not mean it is
> the right solution for anyone else.
> --
> \m/ (--) \m/
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