Time Management for System Administrators
Date and Time
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
MIT Building E-51, Room 315
Tom Limoncelli , SRE Team Manager , Stack Overflow - tal whatexit org
Tom Limoncelli talks about his new book, “Time Management for System Administrators” (O'Reilly)
Who has the time for time management!? Users interrupt you constantly with requests, your managers want you to get long-term projects done but flood you with requests for quick-fixed, and the machines you manage just never behave, causing problems at the most inopportune moments.
Tom's talk will discuss techniques he's developed over the last 15 year including:
- How to find time to get projects done
- The best way to manage interruptions from users
- Open Source tools for tracking requests
- How to turn chaos into free time
If you pre-order his book, there is a small chance it will arrive by the meeting so that it can be autographed.
Tom manages the SRE team at Stack Overflow in New York City. He is an internatio nally recognized author, speaker, system administrator and DevOps advocate. He has received the Usenix LISA Outstanding Achievement Award. Previously he's worked Google, Bell Labs / Lucent, AT&T and others.