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backup advice

Greetings!  I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas weekend...  

I'd like everyone's advice on how to backup the following system layout on
my home LAN:

Systems:    1 linux box w/ 7.0 GB HD (1.2 used currently)
            1 linux box w/ 5.8 GB HD (2.5 used currently)
            1 sparc box w/ 1.4 GB HD (nearly full)

I want to back up critical files, user homes, mail, etc. on a regular
basis and have figured out a backup schedule (incremental) to do this..
what would be the best method?  

I was contemplating backing up using tar over nfs to one of the machines,
then circulating that copy to the other linux box...  any other ideas?

I do not have any other media here (tape drives, etc) to do backups
with...  but purchase of one isn't out of the question...


- Bryan Strawser, feanor at 

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