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Re: hdtv purchase now or later?

 On 9/25/07, Scott Ehrlich <[hidden email]> wrote: 
> It is my theory that come 2009, there will be more of a demand for sets, 
> thus supply will increase, leading to higher prices - at least in theory. 

I think this is a horrible analysis of the market :-)  First of all, 
when supply increases, demand should DECREASE!  And anyways, we all 
know that technology gets cheaper over time.  However, you should ask 
yourself whether you really *need* HDTV, or if it is just another ploy 
by commercial entities to get you spending your had-earned cash.  I 
have gone minimalist lately and I sold everything that I don't need, 
like I mean everything.  I have no possessions now and I feel freedom! 
 This scenario may not work for everyone :-P 

> That being said, my hunch would be to aim for an hd set with qam come 
> Black Friday this year, while prices are somewhat still reasonable. 

I think you should wait until the market is permeated and you feel 
like you are the last person to buy an HDTV set -- then you will get 
the best technology for the best deal.  I learned that hard way the 
penalties for being an early adopter when I bought the very first 1 x 
DVD-R Pioneer burner for the PC (in 2000?) -- which sucked!  I could 
go on to tell you more stories, like about the iPhone, and Vista, etc. 
 I'm sure you have heard the horror stories already.  The best deal 
you can get is when the technology has saturated the market already. 
Anything earlier and you are just paying the price to be an early 
adopter.  There is nothing wrong with being a late adopter either... 

> I have three perfectly working sd sets all on cable, but it would be 
> *nice* to have at least one hd set. 
> What are people's thoughts on price now vs 2009? 

Wait until the supply of HD sets outnumbers the supply of LD sets at 
Wal-Mart -- then make your purchase... 
Kristian Erik Hermansen 

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