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Re: Samba and web pages

 On Sun, 9 Mar 2008 03:53:22 -0400 
"John Abreau" <[hidden email]> wrote: 

> Sure, if Jerry wants to write his own browser, or perhaps a Firefox plugin, 
> he could implement that behavior.  I believe he was asking if that behavior 
> already exists in Firefox or IE.  It doesn't. 

Basically, the reason for asking is that I have 2 documentation trees 
on my server (Rogue Wave and Alrogithmics) that I sometimes reference 
when I'm on my Windows system, but I recently told others in my office 
about them. I was just curious if there was a way I could use Samba to 
emulate this behavior without setting up Apache. In my case, I just 
bookmark the index, but it was for a couple of PHDs. 

Jerry Feldman <[hidden email]> 
Boston Linux and Unix 
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