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OpenOffice and Microsoft Office

Hi Aldo,

I've been using Open Office at home for over 7 years.  I even converted my
old company (American Business Telephone) to OpenOffice to save money on
licensing costs.

I found that so long as EVERYONE was using OpenOffice in my organization the
product was fine.  Because we didn't collaborate much with the outside world
we never had an issue.  That being said, we did have compatibility issues
with one user who decided to go against the grain and use MS Office.  Simple
things like formatting often were not compatible.  I am not certain about
the compatibility with Office 2007 files.

>From a user training perspective:  OpenOffice has an interface that is VERY
similar to MSOffice 2003 and lower.  There should be a minimal learning

This is a good discussion topic.  I'm interested in what everyone else has
for experience converting from MSOffice to OpenOffice.


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:17 AM, aldo albanese <aldo_albanese-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at>wrote:

> Hi,
> My company is 95% windows.  I was planning to install OpenOffice3.2 on new
> desktops.  I was wondering what kind of issues I will get myself into:
> These are few of my questions:
> Compatibility issues between OpenOffice and Office
> Learning curves for my users that are not to technical savvy.
> Business acceptance of this new product
> User Training, more helpdesk tickets?
> Please let me know if you have implemented something similar in your
> company and if you were successful with this implementation.
> Thanks,
> Aldo
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