Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Building E51.

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[BLU/Officers] [SPAM] Re: New backup script

On 06/05/2011 10:52 PM, John Abreau wrote:
> I set up a test backup script for the calendar database that pushes it
> to Amazon S3.
> The script names the file based on the date, such that on January 1, the file
> will be named, e.g., "BLU-Calendar-Dump.yearly.2012.pgsql"; on the first
> of any other month, it will be named, e.g.,
> "BLU-Calendar-Dump.monthly.Jul.pgsql",
> and on any other day of the year it will be named, e.g.,
> "BLU-Calendar-Dump.daily.Mon.pgsql". When the file is uploaded to S3,
> it wil replace any existing file of the same name, so at most we'll have
> 7 dailies, 11 monthlies, and one for each year.

Are they stored locally somewhere too?

Is there a way to access the S3 store to examine it?

Where is this script?

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