Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Building E51.

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[BLU/Officers] Bank account

I just spoke to a person at Rockland Trust. I'll be opening up the 
account on May 11th. This will include online banking, the ability to 
deposit checks from your smartphone. At some point I will need you to 
sign a form. I'll plan on having the paperwork at the next meeting, but 
I may need a copy of your drivers license. Possibly you can stop in at 
their branch near you.

On 04/30/2013 07:28 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Not 100% sure. Rockland replied to my query and told me that the 
> Chestnut Hill branch would be contacting me today.. Since they are 
> open on Saturdays, probably stop in on May 11th since I am busy on 
> Saturday with my Brother-in-law and wife in town. Our balance is just 
> under $1,500, so I'll want to close the account quickly, but it may 
> cost $7.50 for May. I may possibly loan the BLU $100 to escape the fee.
> On 04/30/2013 06:26 AM, John Abreau wrote:
>> Fine by me. When do you expect the change to take effect?
>> On Apr 29, 2013, at 10:14 AM, Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at> wrote:
>>> I am considering changing our account to Rockland Trust. They have a 
>>> bank
>>> convenient to both Me and JABR and have free business checking.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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