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BLU Sampler list archive

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[Sampler] Testing sampler

Just running a test of sampler. The genaliases command is not working so
I had to generate the aliases manually.
Note that I set up with "MTA = 'Postfix'"
I am currently using postfix to generate the
/var/lib/mailman/data/aliases.db. This should be done by the genaliases
command when you create or delete a list or when you run genaliases.
I think that there might be an issue with the lock() function, but I am
not sure. I was trying to use python debugging to debug but it did not
tell me that much. The issue could be configurational, or the issue
could be permissions. I should get that fixed before I start adding the
other lists.
One script I need to either locate or write is a script to clean the
htpassword files, but that is a simple bash script.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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