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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 10:54:04 -0400
Dan Ritter <dsr at> wrote:

> And despite previously running Debian, you installed a new

Point: Grant had been running an outdated version of Mint.

> If it's not their first time, they have preferences, like
> cinnamon or xfce or lxde or i3 or "please don't install any
> window systems at all". All of these are valid choices.

Yup. I have IceWM, just the window manager, running in a VNC X server.
It's what I'm using right now. No "desktop" at all. Been doing that
since Debian 7 or 8. With Firefox. Never had to reboot because of a
Firefox update so I don't know why Grant got that.

> If you don't like a package you just installed, "sudo apt purge" and
> the package name will remove it and try to remove all traces of
> its installation.

I recommend adding "--autoremove" to the purge command in order to get
rid of dependent packages that are no longer needed. Saves you from
having to do them manually.

Rich Pieri