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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

Debian is a good Server distro and a good _base_ to build a desktop distro.
I would not consider it a desktop distro.

Stock Debian with all defaults as a desktop? Unlikely to be enjoyable
without a lot of customizing.

I did use stock Debian as a desktop distro once, but it was on a DEC ALPHA
workstation that i was using as a compute node, not as my primary desktop,
so it didn't matter. (This was a long time ago, before 86_64/AMD64 were

And yes, much of the UX is switchable with window manager & desktop choice.

(The whole point of Mint and Cinnamon was that the stock desktop & window
manager choices and defaults in Debian and Ubuntu were sufficiently
annoying to someone to fork and do better.)