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reasons to encrypt mail and data

Derek D. Martin wrote:

>   - keep your boss(es) and/or coworkers from reading your private mail
>     which could get you ostricised/fired/worse

I agree with a lot of points, but this is an odd one if you're talking about 
using the company's assets to do these personal things.

Nobody's data on company equipment can be considered theirs. Companies allow you 
to use their assets for private purposes, but that's at their discretion. It may 
not be the company's right to know your private data, but it swings both ways. 
It's not your right to use the company's assets for your personal purposes. You 
violate one right; expect to get violated on the other. If you were to send 
something personal that could get you ostracized, fired, or worse, then why 
would you want to use your employer's equipment?

As for malicious co-workers, you have more serious problems than encryption. The 
same type of individual who will regularly sniff packets is probably much more 
likely to be the same type of individual who will read classified files, stick a 
keyboard sniffer, and plant a backdoor if given the chance and resources.


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