Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Building E51.

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[BLU/Officers] UEFI

No. The chances of seeing a Windows 8 UEFI system at the December 8
installfest are minimal. I also think that from the discussions on
Discuss, available web sites, I'm confident that we will not have much
problems. I should download a version of Windows 8 on my Technet or MSDN

On 11/04/2012 07:24 AM, John Abreau wrote:
> Would it make sense to use BLU funds to purchase a cheap W8/UEFI system to test with? 
> Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 2, 2012, at 7:36 AM, Jerry Feldman <gaf at> wrote:
>> We probably need to be somewhat knowledgeable on UEFI, probably not for
>> the next ifest, but for March. I have not use EFI recently, but I did
>> use the original EFI on the IA64 systems. The main thing is we need to
>> have a strategy when someone shows up with a Windows8/UEFI system at one
>> of our installfests.

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id:3BC1EB90 
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