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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

Grant Mongardi wrote: 
> Well, it was in fact Debian Stretch that used Cinnamon as the default
> desktop.

Actually... no. I checked. Stretch had GNOME 3.22 as the default.
Google it for yourself, if you don't believe me.

Somebody in this thread mentioned that you weren't actually
using Stretch, you were using Mint, which is based on Debian
but is not Debian. Mint had Cinnamon as its default back then.


> That's sort of the point I was making. I don't know why you would
> so dramatically change that experience. 

In the face of the above, I really don't think this point is
valid. You changed distributions.

> used. Hell, the computer makes a horrible screech noise everytime I put a
> USB stick in, something I've never experienced before.

Either there's something dramatically wrong with your hardware,
or that's GNOME trying to be helpful. Go switch to your
preferred desktop environment and see if it stops? Let us know
if it doesn't.
