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mp3 maintanance (was Re: D'oh! moments)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Kramer" <david at>
To: <discuss at>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: D'oh! moments

> Backing up 120GB of MP3's is NOT trivial.

You don't think so? I've already done it.

My system looks like this:

Anything new goes into _temp. Pick n directories until you have 700 megs,
burn it, then move to ~/keepers, then delete 'unwanted tracks'. Repeat.

Since I delete the "contractural obligation" tracks, keepers requires far
less space to have decent variety. If I need the space, I can freely delete
anything inside keepers, without worrying about backups. I can't lose my
place and I can kick off CD burning in between household chores, etc.

I tend to rip my CD's at 320kbps which makes HUGE files, but in the future
it won't matter. I backup as I go, and the extra headroom will let me do
things like reencode to ogg, or reencode to lower bitrate mp3 (I need a
script to recursively re-encode everything in ~/keepers from 320-->192... i
know it's possible to cobble a script that does `mpg123 -wav | oggenc/lame
etc.` but if you know of a canned script let me know).

...Of course, if you are mirroring
news://alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.full-albums daily, you're going to be playing
catchup in any case. :-)

> PS- Can we make an effort to trim non-essential quoted text here?

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