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[Discuss] Debian Buster is the worst desktop OS

On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 2:58 PM Rich Pieri <richard.pieri at> wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 14:22:50 -0400
> Grant Mongardi <gmongardi at> wrote:
> > No, _this_ machine was Linux Mint (the one I updated). The one I use
> > at work is Debian Stretch (v9) which is using Cinnamon, by default. I
> No, it didn't. Not by *default*. GNOME is the default deskop
> environment unless you override it or you have a respin that changes
> this behavior. But the vanilla, out of box experience is GNOME.

Ah thank you.
So the person(s) setting up the workplace re-distro of Debian may have
(must have) done something sensible for Grant without clearly communicating
that they'd made a choice for the rest of staff.

(And thus not Grant's fault for being confused by his memory of prior
Debian not matching others'.)

Which is exactly what i'd (and we all should) expect for an IT staff
support Debian Desktops and Debian Servers: pick the right non-default
choices for the local environment and usecases. (And we know we don't
adequately communicate to our users ...)

// Bill