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Makefile help needed
David Kramer
Makefile help needed
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Makefile help needed
David Kramer
Makefile help needed
Jerry Feldman
Makefile help needed
James R. Van Zandt
Makefile help needed
B North
<Possible follow-ups>
Makefile help needed
John Chambers
Makefile Help needed
markw at mohawksoft.com
New England Agile Bazaar meeting 07/14: Agile software development
David Kramer
Linux-compatible single board computer
Josh ChaitinPollak
Linux-compatible single board computer
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Linux-compatible single board computer
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
Linux-compatible single board computer
Josh ChaitinPollak
Linux-compatible single board computer
Gordon Marx
Linux-compatible single board computer
Josh ChaitinPollak
Linux-compatible single board computer
Kent Borg
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Bill Horne
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
David Backeberg
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Scott Ehrlich
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Josh ChaitinPollak
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Bill Horne
<Possible follow-ups>
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Rich Braun
[OT] Does anyone have a spare CDMA Cellphone?
Josh ChaitinPollak
sshd ipaddress logging
Robert La Ferla
sshd ipaddress logging
Gordon Marx
sshd ipaddress logging
Robert La Ferla
sshd ipaddress logging
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
sshd ipaddress logging
David Backeberg
linux client for MS SQL Server
Dave Peters
linux client for MS SQL Server
David Hummel
linux client for MS SQL Server
nmeyers at javalinux.net
karina.popkova at verizon.net
Fwd: Novell Technical Resource Kit
Bob Gorman
ftp directory mirror via squid
Bob Gorman
ftp directory mirror via squid
Andrew Medico
ftp directory mirror via squid
Bob Gorman
php software recommendation
Josh ChaitinPollak
php software recommendation
Greg Rundlett
<Possible follow-ups>
php software recommendation
D Eric Chadbourne
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Jerry Feldman
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
John Abreau
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Mark J. Dulcey
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Jerry Feldman
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Kyle Plummer
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Kent Borg
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Jerry Feldman
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
[OT] Help with ancient Mac
Jerry Feldman
Good Book
Anthony Gabrielson
Linux Laptop
karina.popkova at verizon.net
Linux Laptop
David Backeberg
Linux Laptop (RenT)
karina.popkova at verizon.net
Nice interview/commentary about Linus
Nicholas Bodley
eth0 LapTop broken
paul_cour at verizon.net
FC4 questions
dan moylan
FC4 questions
blu at scrunch.net
FC4 questions
Jerry Feldman
FC4 questions
blu at scrunch.net
FC4 questions
David Hummel
FC4 questions
Kevin D. Clark
FC4 questions
Shark Wang
<Possible follow-ups>
FC4 questions
dan moylan
FC4 questions
dan moylan
FC4 questions
Jerry Feldman
FC4 questions
Gregory Boyce
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Jerry Feldman
FC4 question
dan moylan
comcast blocking smtp25
Dave Peters
comcast blocking smtp25
Matthew Gillen
comcast blocking smtp25
David Hummel
comcast blocking smtp25
Matt Galster
comcast blocking smtp25
David Hummel
comcast blocking smtp25
Jerry Feldman
comcast blocking smtp25
Jack Coats
comcast blocking smtp25
David Hummel
comcast blocking smtp25
Jeff Kinz
comcast blocking smtp25
Bob Leigh
comcast blocking smtp25
Jeff Kinz
comcast blocking smtp25
Don Levey
<Possible follow-ups>
comcast blocking smtp25
Rich Braun
comcast blocking smtp25
Don Levey
comcast blocking smtp25
Rich Braun
comcast blocking smtp25
John Chambers
comcast blocking smtp25
Robert L Krawitz
SuSE experts in search of short term job?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
obscure mv behavior?
Ken Gosier
obscure mv behavior?
Josh ChaitinPollak
obscure mv behavior?
Sarah McGlinchey
obscure mv behavior?
Jerry Feldman
Linux/Unix jobs @ Google... (not in Boston)
Jerry Feldman
14th USENIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, July 31-August 5, 2005
Jerry Feldman
OPENING Linux drivers/kernel
John Spencer
Need recommendations for mail hosting service
Robert La Ferla
Need recommendations for mail hosting service
Robert La Ferla
Need recommendations for mail hosting service
blu at scrunch.net
Install GD-2.25 error
Dave Peters
Problems capturing dv input
David Kramer
Jerry Feldman
Gordon Marx
building GD/gcc linking..
Grant M.
building GD/gcc linking..
Kevin D. Clark
building GD/gcc linking..
Grant M.
building GD/gcc linking..
Matthew Gillen
building GD/gcc linking..
Grant M.
Ruby on Rails links
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
Ruby on Rails links
David Kramer
AUI Interface
Ruscak, Mark J (US SSA)
AUI Interface
Jerry Feldman
AUI Interface
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Java on Debian (wow that was easy!)
Greg Rundlett
open souce to link cvs and bugzilla
Dave Peters
open souce to link cvs and bugzilla
David Kramer
Discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 24
Adam Russell
Discuss Digest, Vol 10, Issue 24
Gordon Marx
[job] Contract position in Waltham/Boston area
Jesse Noller
Web based documentation
Cole Tuininga
Web based documentation
Matthew Gillen
Web based documentation
Cole Tuininga
Web based documentation
Matthew Gillen
server rentals
Blocking port 25
Dave Peters
Blocking port 25
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Blocking port 25
Dave Peters
Blocking port 25
Scott Ehrlich
Blocking port 25
Bill Horne
Blocking port 25
Jerry Feldman
Blocking port 25
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Blocking port 25
Nicholas Bodley
Blocking port 25
Jerry Feldman
Blocking port 25
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Blocking port 25
Matthew Valites
Blocking port 25
David Hummel
Blocking port 25
Billy SG McCarthy
Blocking port 25
Jerry Feldman
Blocking port 25
dan at geer.org
Blocking port 25
Mike Gorse
Blocking port 25
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Blocking port 25
Mike Gorse
Blocking port 25
Jerry Feldman
Blocking port 25
Bill Horne
Blocking port 25
Mark J. Dulcey
Message not available
Message not available
Fwd: Re: Blocking port 25 --> A good broadband ISP
Nicholas Bodley
Fwd: Re: Blocking port 25 --> A good broadband ISP
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Blocking port 25
John Chambers
Blocking port 25
Rich Braun
Blocking port 25
Jerry Feldman
OT: Looking for a housemate
Brad Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
OT: Looking for a housemate
paul_cour at verizon.net
OT: Looking for a housemate
Gabriel Ytterberg
[Fwd: [BOS] Unix Engineer needed]
David Kramer
[Fwd: Would you be interested in this position in Fairfield, CT]
David Kramer
removing a Linux Keylogger
Grant M.
removing a Linux Keylogger
Gordon Marx
removing a Linux Keylogger
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
removing a Linux Keylogger
Grant M.
removing a Linux Keylogger
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
removing a Linux Keylogger
Don Levey
removing a Linux Keylogger
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
removing a Linux Keylogger
Derek Atkins
removing a Linux Keylogger
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
removing a Linux Keylogger
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
iptables 'recent' stuff
Derek Atkins
iptables 'recent' stuff
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
iptables 'recent' stuff
Derek A Atkins
removing a Linux Keylogger
Bill Horne
removing a Linux Keylogger
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
removing a Linux Keylogger
removing a Linux Keylogger
Grant M.
removing a Linux Keylogger
Kent Borg
removing a Linux Keylogger
Grant M.
removing a Linux Keylogger
Kent Borg
removing a Linux Keylogger
Kent Borg
<Possible follow-ups>
removing a Linux Keylogger
removing a Linux Keylogger
Don Levey
[job] Software QA Engineer Waltham, MA
Jesse Noller
Can I redirect port 25 with a dynamic dns service?
Bill Horne
Can I redirect port 25 with a dynamic dns service?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
<Possible follow-ups>
Can I redirect port 25 with a dynamic dns service?
Rich Braun
Can I redirect port 25 with a dynamic dns service?
Rich Braun
Can I redirect port 25 with a dynamic dns service?
Tom Metro
CPU/Memory test for Dell PowerEdge?
Scott Ehrlich
CPU/Memory test for Dell PowerEdge?
Matthew Gillen
CPU/Memory test for Dell PowerEdge?
Matthew Gillen
Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Jerry Feldman
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Ben Jackson
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Greg Rundlett
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Josh ChaitinPollak
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
nmeyers at javalinux.net
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Jerry Feldman
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Josh ChaitinPollak
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Jerry Feldman
Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
John Chambers
[blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
Gordon Marx
Google maps hybrid display (was: [blu] Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ)
Tom Metro
<Possible follow-ups>
Microsoft's Earth deletes Apple HQ
John Chambers
DRM on the way...
Nicholas Bodley
DRM on the way...
Jerry Feldman
DRM on the way...
dan at geer.org
More satellite map humor --- Microsoft cloaks Area 51
Jerry Feldman
[OT] Humor: Shell terror
Comcast and Port 25 Blocking
bill at horne.net
Comcast and Port 25 Blocking
Matthew Gillen
Comcast and Port 25 Blocking
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Comcast and Port 25 Blocking
Bill Horne
[slightly OT]Pictures, Palm Pilot (Treo), and jpilot
Jerry Feldman
[no subject]
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