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Ubuntu commercial support is the same as Vista Ultimate?!?!

Grant M. wrote:
> Second, you are describing a scenario that calls for Enterprise support,
> whereas my original email describes individual support; the kind of
> support that you get from a retail arrangement. I am really just
> pointing out that the home-user doesn't seem to have a support option.
> This is not something that Microsoft has overlooked, yet the Linux
> distros seemingly have.

How many home users buy Windows support from Microsoft?  IIRC if you buy
a machine with Windows preinstalled, the OEM is responsible for support.
 James Fallows, in an article he wrote about his experiences on the
Microsoft Word team, said that Microsoft's profits come from selling
hundred-seat licenses to large organizations; whatever money they get
from selling individual copies of Windows to individual users is gravy
(and helps preserve the Windows monopoly).

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