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[Discuss] BLU's SEO

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 08:18:14PM -0400, Richard Pieri wrote:
> Matthew Gillen wrote:
> >That statement is tenuous; this article points out one of the problems:
> I'll give you the point on that. I do tend to favor the idea that
> psychology is in fact a science. I want it to be a science. This
> certainly taints my opinions about it despite knowing full well that
> some of the most impressive psychological experiments cannot (or
> likely will not) be replicated.

Psychology is (in part) the science of the human personality
(predicting human behavior based on a stimulus).  The personality is a
variable thing; there are no laws which can apply universally to it,
as people's responses are manipulated by a wide array of inputs
stemming from their past experiences and outcomes from them.  We are
not atoms, or physical properties, but an extremely complex
composition of them.  The best you can do is produce a statistical
model; but that too is science, and this is also the science of
marketing.  Marketing is, in essence, a branch of sociology, with
profit as the end goal of its application.

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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