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Date Index
Linux software loading
Guba, Christopher
Linux software loading
Jerry Feldman
Reminder New Hampshire Internet Sig tomorrow (Tuesday).
Jerry Feldman
Linux Compatible AGP Video cards
Noyes, Chuck
Advertise For Pennies!
g3B0U8l6J at co1mpuserv.com
rpm quagmire at hand.
Christoph Doerbeck
<Possible follow-ups>
rpm quagmire at hand.
Christoph Doerbeck
Linux Info (fwd)
John Abreau
<Possible follow-ups>
Linux Info (fwd)
Mike Bilow
Linux MTG - Thu 29 Jan (Special day) - RED HAT SOFTWARE
John Abreau
rpm woes continue
Christoph Doerbeck
Linux and AGP cards
Noyes, Chuck
Video card question
Chuck Young
Video card question
James R. Van Zandt
<Possible follow-ups>
Video card question
Mike Bilow
rpm quagmire resolved (sort of)
Christoph Doerbeck
BLU.ORG - Special Meeting - 29 January 1998
Guy W Bzibziak
short project
Jonathan Putnam
short project
Christoph Doerbeck
Linux on Notebooks
David R. Cogley
No subject
Philip Molloy
<Possible follow-ups>
No subject
Mike Bilow
No subject
Media GX
Sheldon Dubrowin
Are You Happy?
bdzcAnSoU at a1oI.com
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
chasb at kukla.tiac.net
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
John Duksta
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
Bruce Dawson
<Possible follow-ups>
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
werme at zk3.dec.com
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
Richard Royston
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
Jonathan Eunice
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
John Duksta
YAHOO... Linux on HP 715-50's!!!
Christoph Doerbeck
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
Jon S. Jaques
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes
Rich Braun
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes announced
Joseph Hartmann
GPL-style availability of NetScape 5.0 sourcecodes
Mike Bilow
LINUX group
John Abreau
Palm Pilot
Rich Braun
BLU - Linux Installfest
John Abreau
Slackware problem
Michael X. Dacey
Reminder -- 29 January 1998 (Thursday) - BLU.ORG - Special Meeting
Guy W Bzibziak
Whaddya mean, am I happy?
Charles Young
Whaddya mean, am I happy?
Christoph Doerbeck
Whaddya mean, am I happy?
Sheldon Dubrowin
Message not available
Now I'm really happy
Charles Young
Richard Royston
Richard Royston
SPAM problems addressed
John Abreau
Possible future topic
Christoph Doerbeck
Possible future topic
John Abreau
Great meeting last night!
Christoph Doerbeck
We interrupt our normal programming
Mike Bilow
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Boston Linux & Unix / webmaster@blu.org