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linksys wusb11 ver 2.6
235u at comcast.net
linksys wusb11 ver 2.6
Chris Devers
<Possible follow-ups>
linksys wusb11 ver 2.6
235u at comcast.net
New to Linux
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
New to Linux
Timothy M. Lyons
New to Linux
Jerry Feldman
New to Linux
John McKendry
New to Linux
gboyce at badbelly.com
pdf/txt conversion
dan moylan
pdf/txt conversion
David Kramer
pdf/txt conversion
Jerry Feldman
pdf/txt conversion
Chris Devers
pdf/txt conversion
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
<Possible follow-ups>
pdf/txt conversion
dan moylan
pdf/txt conversion
dan moylan
pdf/txt conversion
Jerry Feldman
pdf/txt conversion
dan moylan
Laptop cdrom
Anthony Gabrielson
Laptop cdrom
Jerry Feldman
Laptop cdrom
Johannes Ullrich
comcast people pages
Duane Morin
comcast people pages
Brian J. Conway
Is NBC trying to screw with Tivo?
Duane Morin
Is NBC trying to screw with Tivo?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Is NBC trying to screw with Tivo?
Matt Brodeur
New Work Study Job
Thomas Leonard
New Work Study Job
Johannes Ullrich
New Work Study Job
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
<Possible follow-ups>
New Work Study Job
Rich Braun
work study
Bill Holt
How hard is tv instead of monitor connection?
Duane Morin
How hard is tv instead of monitor connection?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
comcast bad cert
comcast bad cert
gboyce at badbelly.com
semior Linux sys. admin. position
Ed Frankenberry
semior Linux sys. admin. position
Stephen Adler
Redhat on Dell5150
Duane Morin
Redhat on Dell5150
John McKendry
Redhat on Dell5150
Duane Morin
Redhat on Dell5150
John McKendry
Redhat on Dell5150 - corrected URL
John McKendry
Redhat on Dell5150
Johannes Ullrich
<Possible follow-ups>
Redhat on Dell5150
gboyce at badbelly.com
Redhat on Dell5150
Duane Morin
Product ID
Jeffrey Jones
Windows updates
Jeffrey Jones
C Compile problem
karina.popkova at verizon.net
C Compile problem
Jerry Feldman
C Compile problem
Derek Martin
<Possible follow-ups>
C Compile problem
email message id
email message id
Chris Devers
email message id
Bob Leigh
email message id
Derek Atkins
email message id
RADIUS auth by Mac address
josephc at etards.net
RADIUS auth by Mac address
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
RADIUS auth by Mac address
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
RADIUS auth by Mac address
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
RADIUS auth by Mac address
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
FREE old computers - must go
Bob Keyes
FREE old computers - must go
Bob Leigh
Intermittent wireless
Duane Morin
Intermittent wireless
John McKendry
[HV] AP On Recall Lessons
Jerry Feldman
[HV] AP On Recall Lessons
Jerry Feldman
MySQL recovery...
MySQL recovery...
Johannes Ullrich
<Possible follow-ups>
MySQL recovery...
Radius authentication by MAC address
Recommended wireless card
Duane Morin
Recommended wireless card
Johannes Ullrich
wireless card
Bill Holt
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Gentoo Linux
Jerry Feldman
Off Topic, Language LISP
paul.cour1 at verizon.net
Off Topic, Language LISP
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Emacs LISP & macros
Bill Horne
Emacs LISP & macros
Jerry Feldman
Emacs LISP & macros
Derek Martin
Emacs LISP & macros
Jerry Feldman
Emacs LISP & macros
Derek Martin
Emacs LISP & macros
Jerry Feldman
Emacs LISP & macros
David Kramer
Emacs LISP & macros
Jerry Feldman
Emacs LISP & macros
Bill Horne
Emacs LISP & macros
John McKendry
Emacs LISP & macros
Bill Horne
Emacs LISP & macros
David Lapointe
Emacs LISP & macros
John Jannotti
Emacs LISP & macros
J. Hunter Heinlen
Off Topic, Language LISP
Duane Morin
Off Topic, Language LISP
Kevin D. Clark
Looking for some html form help...
kgleason.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Looking for some html form help...
josephc at etards.net
Looking for some html form help...
Clint M. Sand
<Possible follow-ups>
Looking for some html form help...
kgleason.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Looking for some html form help...
Clint M. Sand
Last(?) network config question
Duane Morin
EMACS: query-
David Lapointe
Emacs LISP & macros
Fred Steinberg
Emacs LISP & macros
Jerry Feldman
Fwd: (software jobs) Linux Driver Developer with SCSI Experience (495)
David Kramer
EMACS and gnome
Praveen Ray
EMACS and gnome
Michael Mittelstadt
directions to the lug meeting tonight
Stephen Adler
directions to the lug meeting tonight
Jerry Feldman
(software jobs) Linux Driver Developer with SCSI Experience (495)
Keller, Tim
Directions for downloading and installing Perl on Windows98
kgleason.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Directions for downloading and installing Perl on Windows98
John McKendry
Directions for downloading and installing Perl on Windows98
josephc at etards.net
Mouse Click anomalies
Jerry Feldman
Mouse Click anomalies
Dan Barrett
Mouse Click anomalies
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Mouse Click anomalies
Jerry Feldman
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Dan Barrett
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Dan Barrett
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Dan Barrett
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Dan Barrett
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
X starts denying me access
Brian J. Conway
X starts denying me access
gboyce at badbelly.com
X starts denying me access
Duane Morin
Rich Braun
Anthony J. Gabrielson
Brian J. Conway
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Jerry Feldman
Jerry Feldman
Mike Small
yank ring under gnome
praveen ray
Red Hat RPM Advice
karina.popkova at verizon.net
Red Hat RPM Advice
David Kramer
Red Hat RPM Advice
Dave Gavin
<Possible follow-ups>
Red Hat RPM Advice
Timothy M. Lyons
Dual monitors
Dave Gavin
Dual monitors
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Dual monitors
gboyce at badbelly.com
Dual monitors
Dave Gavin
terminal null-modem serial/console
Bill Holt
terminal null-modem serial/console
Tresi Arvizo
tech temp agencies?
Bob Keyes
tech temp agencies?
dracus at speakeasy.net
tech temp agencies?
Chris Devers
tech temp agencies?
Bill Horne
Distro comparison
David Kramer
Distro comparison
Jerry Feldman
Distro comparison
josephc at etards.net
Distro comparison
David Kramer
Distro comparison
josephc at etards.net
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
David Kramer
Distro comparison
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
Jerry Feldman
Mailman & Python2 & RedHat ( Was: Distro comparison)
Johannes Ullrich
Mailman & Python2 & RedHat ( Was: Distro comparison)
Jerry Feldman
Distro comparison
josephc at etards.net
Distro comparison
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Distro comparison
josephc at etards.net
Distro comparison
David Kramer
Distro comparison
Anthony Gabrielson
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
Distro comparison
Johannes Ullrich
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
Mark J. Dulcey
Distro comparison
Mike Small
Distro comparison
Mark J. Dulcey
Distro comparison
Jerry Feldman
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
Clint M. Sand
Distro comparison
Brian J. Conway
<Possible follow-ups>
Distro comparison
Rich Braun
Distro comparison
josephc at etards.net
Distro comparison
Derek Martin
Distro comparison
Rich Braun
Linux classes
Michael Webb
Linux classes
Jerry Feldman
Linux classes
Irv Englander
Linux classes
Steven Erat
Linux classes
Bill Horne
Linux classes
Jerry Feldman
Linux classes
Derek Martin
<Possible follow-ups>
Linux Classes
Stephen Ronan
Linux classes
Steven Erat
TMDA spam armoring / Re: Please confirm your message
Chris Devers
TMDA spam armoring / Re: Please confirm your message
David Kramer
TMDA spam armoring / Re: Please confirm your message
Chris Devers
linux serial to console port via agetty
Bill Holt
linux serial to console port via agetty
Derek Martin
Bill Holt
Routing all mail through comcast
Duane Morin
Routing all mail through comcast
nmeyers at javalinux.net
<Possible follow-ups>
Routing all mail through comcast
Rich Braun
Routing all mail through comcast
Chris Devers
Routing all mail through comcast
Clint M. Sand
Routing all mail through comcast
Anthony Gabrielson
Routing all mail through comcast
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Routing all mail through comcast
David Kramer
Routing all mail through comcast
Alfred Wheeler
Routing all mail through comcast
Routing all mail through comcast
Chris Devers
Routing all mail through comcast
Derek Martin
Routing all mail through comcast
Rich Braun
Routing all mail through comcast
Bill Horne
Routing all mail through comcast
Mark J. Dulcey
Routing all mail through comcast
David Kramer
Routing all mail through comcast
Mark J. Dulcey
Routing all mail through comcast
Bob George
Routing all mail through comcast
Brian J. Conway
cross version development
gbburkhardt at aaahawk.com
cross version development
Mike Small
<Possible follow-ups>
cross version development
Glenn Burkhardt
cross version development
Ed Hill
cross version development
Gail Bowman
Dual Monitors using an NVIDIA Quadro 1000 FX card
Kevin Zablonski
Dual Monitors using an NVIDIA Quadro 1000 FX card
Matt Brodeur
Dual Monitors using an NVIDIA Quadro 1000 FX card
Johannes Ullrich
Linux seminar at BU in Tyngsboro
Tom Lopolito
Shirts I need
David Kramer
Shirts I need
Bill Horne
Your addresses are bouncing
Bill Horne
Your addresses are bouncing
Derek Martin
Wireless Network PCMCIA Adapter for Linux
Peter Lee
Wireless Network PCMCIA Adapter for Linux
Duane Morin
Wireless Network PCMCIA Adapter for Linux
Bob Keyes
Wireless Network PCMCIA Adapter for Linux
Bob Keyes
Wireless Network PCMCIA Adapter for Linux
Peter Lee
gpa -0.7.0
(media jobs) MSN Microsoft Butterfly promotion job (Boston) (fwd)
Chris Devers
<Possible follow-ups>
(media jobs) MSN Microsoft Butterfly promotion job (Boston) (fwd)
Adam Russell
(media jobs) MSN Microsoft Butterfly promotion job (Boston) (fwd)
Derek Atkins
laptops w/linux
laptops w/linux
nmeyers at javalinux.net
laptops w/linux
Robert L Krawitz
laptops w/linux
Derek Atkins
laptops w/linux
Jerry Feldman
laptops w/linux
Robert L Krawitz
laptops w/linux
Ken Gosier
laptops w/linux
Peter Lee
LG CD-ROMs Destroyed by Mandrake 9.2
David Kramer
LG CD-ROMs Destroyed by Mandrake 9.2
Brian J. Conway
<Possible follow-ups>
LG CD-ROMs Destroyed by Mandrake 9.2
Glenn Burkhardt
What distros support 486 machines?
Bill Horne
What distros support 486 machines?
nmeyers at javalinux.net
What distros support 486 machines?
gboyce at badbelly.com
What distros support 486 machines?
Derek Atkins
What distros support 486 machines?
Johannes Ullrich
What distros support 486 machines?
josephc at etards.net
What distros support 486 machines?
Bill Horne
What distros support 486 machines?
josephc at etards.net
What distros support 486 machines?
Bill Horne
What distros support 486 machines?
josephc at etards.net
What distros support 486 machines?
Bill Horne
What distros support 486 machines?
Derek Atkins
What distros support 486 machines?
Derek Martin
What distros support 486 machines?
Seth Gordon
Broken R H 7.3, Rescue ?
karina.popkova at verizon.net
Broken R H 7.3, Rescue ?
josephc at etards.net
Broken R H 7.3, Rescue ?
gboyce at badbelly.com
Getting Perl to link across a peer to peer network....
kgleason.ma.ultranet at rcn.com
Getting Perl to link across a peer to peer network....
josephc at etards.net
Getting Perl to link across a peer to peer network....
Derek Martin
Getting Perl to link across a peer to peer network....
josephc at etards.net
SSH listening funny...
Duane Morin
SSH listening funny...
SSH listening funny...
scheduling & calendar software
Paul Baumgardner
scheduling & calendar software
For Sale: A couple 533 Celerons with RedHat installed
markw at mohawksoft.com
GPL isn't enforceable or applicable
David Kramer
GPL isn't enforceable or applicable
Charles Peterman
GPL isn't enforceable or applicable
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
Dual Boot Redhat 9.0
Michael Webb
Dual Boot Redhat 9.0
Dual Boot Redhat 9.0
Derek Atkins
Dual Boot Redhat 9.0
Steven Erat
Dual Boot Redhat 9.0
Derek Atkins
postfix vs. sendmail
Chris Devers
postfix vs. sendmail
Derek Martin
<Possible follow-ups>
postfix vs. sendmail
Glenn Burkhardt
postfix vs. sendmail
Chris Devers
postfix vs. sendmail
Bill Holt
postfix vs. sendmail
Chris Devers
postfix vs. sendmail
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
Dan Barrett
<Possible follow-ups>
gboyce at badbelly.com
Dan Barrett
Glenn Burkhardt
Fw: Introducing palmOne!
Kyle Plummer
Please help with DNSBL setup
Bill Horne
Inspiron 8000: I upgraded the LCD panel, but it didn't "take"
Robert L Krawitz
Inspiron 8000: I upgraded the LCD panel, but it didn't "take"
Robert L Krawitz
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
Stephen Anthony
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
Robert L Krawitz
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
Bill Horne
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
Grant Young
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
Duane Morin
Evaluating Sourceforge projects to help on
David Kramer
redhat 9 distro
Bill Holt
good local motherboard source?
Bob Keyes
good local motherboard source?
Anthony J. Gabrielson
good local motherboard source?
Robert L Krawitz
good local motherboard source?
Gregory Boyce
good local motherboard source?
Mark J. Dulcey
Rebates [Re: good local motherboard source?]
Alfred Wheeler
Rebates [Re: good local motherboard source?]
Kent Borg
Rebates [Re: good local motherboard source?]
Robert L Krawitz
Rebates [Re: good local motherboard source?]
Mark J. Dulcey
Rebates [Re: good local motherboard source?]
Bruce Davis
good local motherboard source?
Bob George
good local motherboard source?
ron.peterson at yellowbank.com
<Possible follow-ups>
good local motherboard source?
Bob Keyes
good local motherboard source?
Ed Hill
good local motherboard source?
Rich Braun
good local motherboard source?
Chris Devers
good local motherboard source?
Bob Keyes
good local motherboard source?
Kent Borg
good local motherboard source?
good local motherboard source?
Duane Morin
good local motherboard source?
Glenn Burkhardt
Suspend, and Heat
Duane Morin
postfix redux
Chris Devers
postfix redux
Glenn Burkhardt
Dan Barrett
Johannes Ullrich
Dan Barrett
BIOS Stuff
Duane Morin
BIOS Stuff
Brian J. Conway
BIOS Stuff
Duane Morin
BIOS Stuff
Next question, ximian
Duane Morin
Jumping the gun again (Re: Next question, ximian
Duane Morin
[no subject]
Mail converted by
Boston Linux & Unix / webmaster@blu.org