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Eric Raymond mention in http://www.ntk.net
Howard S Shubs
No subject
dean pinili
<Possible follow-ups>
No subject
PHP Book
Bryan Strawser
PHP Book
Howard S Shubs
PHP Book
Gordon Keegan
PHP Book
PHP Book
Howard S Shubs
PHP Book
Randall Hofland
Switching to MediaOne
Rich Braun
Switching to MediaOne
Derek Martin
Switching to MediaOne
Scott Ehrlich
Switching to MediaOne
Patrick Ohiomoba
<Possible follow-ups>
Switching to MediaOne
richb at pioneer.ci.net
Oh No, ipchains problem!
Frank Ramsay
joy stick - logitech thunder pad
joy stick - logitech thunder pad
Brad Noyes
slow netscape startup
Mark Gelinas
SPARC 5, disks, and video
Scott Ehrlich
SPARC 5, disks, and video
Anthony J. Gabrielson
SPARC 5, disks, and video
Glenn Burkhardt
SPARC 5, disks, and video
Timothy W Haven
SPARC 5, disks, and video
Glenn Burkhardt
<Possible follow-ups>
Sparc 5, disks, and video
Glenn Burkhardt
Secure backup subnetting?
John Abreau
Secure backup subnetting?
linuxguy at ici.net
Secure backup subnetting?
Derek Martin
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Gordon Keegan
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Derek Martin
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Derek Martin
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Jeffry Smith
<Possible follow-ups>
Any luck interfacing with MS Exchange?
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
LILO on a 10-gig drive
richb at pioneer.ci.net
LILO on a 10-gig drive
Mike Bilow
rsh security in 2.2.14 systems
Glenn Burkhardt
Sony VAIO Laptops
Bryan Strawser
Sony VAIO Laptops
Derek Martin
Sony VAIO Laptops
John Abreau
<Possible follow-ups>
Sony VAIO Laptops
Ken Gosier
Sony VAIO Laptops
Bryan Strawser
Help with scp access
Scott Ehrlich
Help with scp access
James R. Van Zandt
Help with scp access
Brian J. Conway
Cheap video support of Linux boxes?
Randall Hofland
Cheap video support of Linux boxes?
Jeffry Smith
Cheap video support of Linux boxes?
Mark J. Dulcey
<Possible follow-ups>
Cheap video support of Linux boxes?
Massimo Morin
Cheap video support of Linux boxes?
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
Cheap Video Cards
Randall Hofland
Cheap Video Cards
Mike Bilow
OpenSSH and keys
Subba Rao
OpenSSH and keys
Derek Martin
OpenSSH and keys
James R. Van Zandt
OpenSSH and keys
Mike Bilow
Add hardware later?
David Kramer
Add hardware later?
Derek Martin
<Possible follow-ups>
Add hardware later?
David Kramer
Add hardware later?
Ron Peterson
[BLU] Re: Add hardware later?
David Kramer
Add hardware later?
Anthony J. Gabrielson
Add hardware later?
Niall Kavanagh
Add hardware later?
Mike Bilow
Add hardware later?
Ron Peterson
Add hardware later?
Bill Horne
Add hardware later?
Matthew J. Brodeur
Add hardware later?
David Kramer
Remote console options?
Scott Ehrlich
[BLU] Remote console options?
David Kramer
[BLU] Remote console options?
Randall Hofland
[BLU] Remote console options?
Derek Martin
[BLU] Remote console options?
Randall Hofland
Message not available
Remote console options?
David Kramer
Remote console options?
Derek Martin
Remote console options?
John Chambers
Remote console options?
Derek Martin
Remote console query addendum
Scott Ehrlich
Remote console query addendum
Jack Coats
Remote console query addendum
linuxguy at ici.net
Remote console query addendum
linuxguy at ici.net
Video Cards
Randall Hofland
MaxSpeed Interview
Randall Hofland
AOL Instant Messenger for Linux?
John Abreau
AOL Instant Messenger for Linux?
Brian J. Conway
AOL Instant Messenger for Linux?
Sheldon Dubrowin
<Possible follow-ups>
AOL Instant Messenger for Linux?
John Abreau
AOL Instant Messenger for Linux?
Derek Martin
Clobbered some init file for my user 'Guest'
Kevin M. Gleason
Clobbered some init file for my user 'Guest'
David Kramer
SSH and root logins
John Abreau
SSH and root logins
Brian J. Conway
SSH and root logins
Jerry Feldman
SSH and root logins
Patrick Ohiomoba
I think I was sniffed?
Ron Peterson
I think I was sniffed?
I think I was sniffed?
Ron Peterson
I think I was sniffed?
Matthew J. Brodeur
I think I was sniffed?
Ron Peterson
I think I was sniffed?
linuxguy at ici.net
I think I was sniffed?
Derek Martin
I think I was sniffed?
Ron Peterson
I think I was sniffed?
Derek Martin
I think I was sniffed?
Mike Bilow
I think I was sniffed?
Mike Bilow
I think I was sniffed?
Mike Bilow
I think I was sniffed?
Ron Peterson
I think I was sniffed?
Mike Bilow
SuSE gcc blows up
richb at pioneer.ci.net
SuSE gcc blows up
Jerry Feldman
SuSE gcc blows up
ccb at valinux.com
SuSE gcc blows up
Massimo Morin
SuSE gcc blows up
Jerry Feldman
SuSE gcc blows up
ccb at valinux.com
SuSE gcc blows up
Derek Martin
SuSE gcc blows up
James R. Van Zandt
SuSE gcc blows up
Glenn Burkhardt
SuSE gcc blows up
Jerry Feldman
SuSE gcc blows up
richb at pioneer.ci.net
Multiple email domains on one machine
ccb at valinux.com
where to lookup current kernel limitations
linuxguy at ici.net
where to lookup current kernel limitations
Derek Martin
Looking for computer donations for a public h.s....
Kevin M. Gleason
Looking for computer donations for a public h.s....
Jerry Feldman
Frank Ramsay
Kevin Falcone
Frank Ramsay
Derek Martin
Kevin Falcone
Gnome RPM
Tewksbury, Chuck
Gnome RPM
Glenn Burkhardt
Gnome RPM
Derek Martin
Gnome RPM
Glenn Burkhardt
<Possible follow-ups>
Gnome RPM
Tewksbury, Chuck
Gnome RPM
Tewksbury, Chuck
Linux course (fwd)
John Abreau
<Possible follow-ups>
Linux course (fwd)
Ken Gosier
Linux course (fwd)
linuxguy at ici.net
Stupid person
Brian J. Conway
Stupid person
Derek Martin
Stupid person
Brian J. Conway
[Fwd: Weasel]
Randall Hofland
Perhaps a reallllly studid question
Randall Hofland
java on linux
Mike Bilow
java on linux
Tom Guilderson
computer trade show: where?
Massimo Morin
computer trade show: where?
Mark J. Dulcey
computer trade show: where?
Jerry Feldman
(Fwd) Installing IE 5.01 SP1 Can Break Office 2000 Help
Jerry Feldman
security: crontab (fwd)
David Kramer
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday July 19, 2000 Linux as your only machine
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday July 19, 2000 Linux as your only machine
Jerry Feldman
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday July 19, 2000 Linux as your only machine
Randall Hofland
Boston Linux Annual BarBQue This Saturday
Jerry Feldman
Ecrix has a user group promotion for their VXA tape drive
John Abreau
PPPoE and OpenBSD or Linux
Scott Ehrlich
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Bill Horne
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Scott Ehrlich
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Jerry Feldman
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Ron Peterson
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Matthew J. Brodeur
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Matthew J. Brodeur
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Mark J. Dulcey
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Randall Hofland
<Possible follow-ups>
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Jesse Noller
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Bill Horne
Keyboard/monitor/mouse switches
Mark Dulcey
KDE Gnome
Tewksbury, Chuck
KDE Gnome
Jeffry Smith
KDE Gnome
Derek Martin
KDE vs. Gnome
Chuck Tewksbury
KDE vs. Gnome
Brian J. Conway
KDE vs. Gnome
Bryan Strawser
KDE vs. Gnome
Tom Guilderson
KDE vs. Gnome
Christoph Doerbeck A242369
KDE vs. Gnome
Adam Price
KDE vs. Gnome
Jerry Feldman
KDE vs. Gnome
John Chambers
KDE vs. Gnome
Jerry Feldman
KDE vs. Gnome
Scott Lanning
<Possible follow-ups>
KDE Gnome
Tewksbury, Chuck
if that had html
Tewksbury, Chuck
Corel WPO2000
Randall Hofland
<Possible follow-ups>
Corel WPO2000
Jesse Noller
Trusted ssh/scp and Linux (Slackware 7)
Scott Ehrlich
Trusted ssh/scp and Linux (Slackware 7)
Derek Martin
[BLU] Re: Trusted ssh/scp and Linux (Slackware 7)
David Kramer
Audust meeting
Jerry Feldman
'Desk Guide' and helixcode
Frank Ramsay
Help with log rolling and filenames
Scott Ehrlich
File+Date rollover figured out
Scott Ehrlich
Intro & pcmcia cdrom query
Adam Price
Intro & pcmcia cdrom query
Mike Bilow
Intro & pcmcia cdrom query
Mark Dulcey
Do I need to worry about this?
Bill Horne
Do I need to worry about this?
Sheldon Dubrowin
Do I need to worry about this?
David Lapointe
BO Was:Do I need to worry about this?
Do I need to worry about this?
Scott Lanning
David Lapointe
Empty syslogs on Solaris
John Abreau
Empty syslogs on Solaris
David Kramer
dan moylan
Clueless on Capitol Hill
Ron Peterson
Randall Hofland
Today's date
Derek Martin
Today's date
Jeffry Smith
Today's date
Derek Martin
Today's date
Kevin Falcone
Today's date
Derek Martin
Today's date
John Chambers
<Possible follow-ups>
Today's date
hshubs at mindspring.com
Today's date
Derek Martin
Today's date
Howard S Shubs
Today's Date
Tom Guilderson
Seeking help with job searching
Banner Management Software
Bryan Strawser
Bandwidth measure
Jerry Feldman
Bandwidth measure
Patrick McManus
Bandwidth measure
Derek Martin
KDE vs. Gnome
Tewksbury, Chuck
ssh, sftp, and perl scripts
John Abreau
Shutting down unnecessary services
John Abreau
Shutting down unnecessary services
ccb at valinux.com
Shutting down unnecessary services
Derek Martin
IBM Linux Comercial
Frank Ramsay
SPARC 5 SCSI stuff question
Scott Ehrlich
SPARC 5 SCSI stuff question
Glenn Burkhardt
question about the GPL
Frank Ramsay
question about the GPL
Robert L Krawitz
question about the GPL
Derek Martin
Randall Hofland
Randall Hofland
Derek Atkins
Changing SPARC 5 boot device (SCSI ID)
Scott Ehrlich
Changing SPARC 5 boot device (SCSI ID)
Glenn Burkhardt
Changing SPARC 5 boot device (SCSI ID)
Anthony J. Gabrielson
Changing SPARC 5 boot device (SCSI ID)
Derek Martin
Useful Links?
Randall Hofland
Useful Links?
Randall Hofland
Procmail and mh question
Jerry Feldman
Procmail and mh question
Robert Brown
HTML Linking
Randall Hofland
HTML Linking
Derek Martin
HTML Linking
Jack Coats
<Possible follow-ups>
HTML Linking
Randall Hofland
HTML Linking
David Kramer
HTML Linking
Scott Lanning
HTML Linking
Derek Martin
Web caching
Ron Peterson
Web caching
David Kramer
Web caching
Mark J. Dulcey
Web caching
Randall Hofland
Web caching
Mark J. Dulcey
Web caching
Jonathan T. Ledlie
Web caching
Ron Peterson
links, html, etc.
dan moylan
Anthony J. Gabrielson
[BLU] Broadband....
David Kramer
[BLU] Broadband....
linuxguy at ici.net
[BLU] Broadband....
Anthony J. Gabrielson
Socket 7 chips
Randall Hofland
Socket 7 chips
Bryan Strawser
setting up mail forwarding/address rewriting for a home network
Seth Gordon
help samba
dean pinili
help samba
Jerry Feldman
help samba
Anthony J. Gabrielson
help samba
Phil Buckley
help samba
Derek Martin
Tewksbury, Chuck
Ron Peterson
Derek Martin
Richard R. Malloy
Derek Martin
Seth M. Landsman
make netscape respect cache limits?
Ken Gosier
make netscape respect cache limits?
Derek Martin
Kernel Compile errors for 2.2.16
Subba Rao
Kernel Compile errors for 2.2.16
Derek Martin
Kernel Compile errors for 2.2.16
Subba Rao
[SUSPECTS] Job contract: SSL & C coding in Woburn, MA (or from home) (fwd)
David Kramer
Mail converted by
Boston Linux & Unix / webmaster@blu.org