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Date Index
Amusing device name
Bob Leigh
<Possible follow-ups>
Amusing device name
Adam Russell
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
nmeyers at javalinux.net
OpenVPN and DNS
Sarah McGlinchey
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
Sarah McGlinchey
OpenVPN and DNS
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
Kevin D. Clark
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
Matthew Gillen
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
John Abreau
OpenVPN and DNS
Sarah McGlinchey
OpenVPN and DNS
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Verizon rant
Nicholas Bodley
Verizon rant
Jerry Feldman
Is Your Printer Spying On You?
Nicholas Bodley
<Possible follow-ups>
Is Your Printer Spying On You?
Nicholas Bodley
Laptop batteries
Robert L Krawitz
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Rich Braun
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Robert La Ferla
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Josh ChaitinPollak
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Steve Seremeth
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Rich Braun
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Rich Braun
shopping cart software?
Josh ChaitinPollak
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
Bill Horne
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
Kent Borg
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
John Abreau
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
David Hummel
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
Bill Horne
FLoppy boot for Ubuntu live CD
Greg Rundlett
laptop recommendations
Kalyan Vaidyanathan
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
David Hummel
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
Mark J. Dulcey
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
laptop recommendations
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
Seth Gordon
laptop recommendations
Larry Underhill
laptop recommendations
Jerry Feldman
laptop recommendations
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
kirblam at comcast.net
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
Jerry Feldman
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
Derek Atkins
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
David Hummel
Billing Software and Wireless Router recommendations
Jerry Feldman
Ben Williams
dan at geer.org
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
John Chambers
Jerry Feldman
ODF: Anybody know somebody...?
Jerry Kincade
ODF: Anybody know somebody...?
John Casebolt
Forcing cleanup code in shell scripts?
Josh ChaitinPollak
Forcing cleanup code in shell scripts?
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Forcing cleanup code in shell scripts?
Gordon Marx
Forcing cleanup code in shell scripts?
Josh ChaitinPollak
Forcing cleanup code in shell scripts?
Jerry Feldman
ODF Article on ZDNet UK
John Casebolt
LINUX guru for a two week contract in MASSACHUSETTS
Jerry Feldman
I hate Lotus Notes
Eric C
I hate Lotus Notes
Jerry Feldman
Mailman public lists?
John Abreau
Switching motherboard: troubleshooting?
Rich Braun
[Fwd: Job: Linux Evangelist]
David Kramer
[Fwd: linux guru, tool developement opportunity]
David Kramer
VTK Compiling with Debian
James Kramer
VTK Compiling with Debian
Matthew Gillen
Red Hat Memo on MA Open Document Format
John Casebolt
Energy-hogging Linux, what to do?
Astute observations about MSFT v ODF
Greg Rundlett
SCO and the 2.7 kernel
Jerry Feldman
OpenVPN - how to find who's connected?
John Abreau
OpenVPN - how to find who's connected?
John Abreau
OpenVPN - how to find who's connected?
Sarah McGlinchey
OT: 2-factor authentication hits the mainstream
Rich Braun
OT: 2-factor authentication hits the mainstream
Derek Atkins
[OT] Simple Website Tool
[OT] Simple Website Tool
Larry Underhill
[OT] Simple Website Tool
Report from 4 Nov ODF Meeting in Armonk, NY
John Casebolt
[Fwd: Re: [OT] Simple Website Tool]
Bill Horne
LDAP schemas and overlapping attribute names
John Abreau
Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, November November 16, 2005 at 7:00 pm
Jerry Feldman
Linux/UNIX Cluster System Administrator opening at Partners Healthcare (fwd)
Scott Ehrlich
website hosting
John Boland
website hosting
Mike Gorse
website hosting
Bill Horne
<Possible follow-ups>
website hosting
John Boland
Discount Web Hosting
Need suggestions for demo'ing client work securely
kirblam at comcast.net
Need suggestions for demo'ing client work securely
Derek Atkins
Need suggestions for demo'ing client work securely
John Abreau
Need suggestions for demo'ing client work securely
Tom Metro
Need suggestions for demo'ing client work securely
Bill Horne
RedHat AS 2.1
johnmalloy at comcast.net
RedHat AS 2.1
Matthew Gillen
RedHat AS 2.1
Jerry Feldman
LinuxWorld Boston - April, 2006
LinuxWorld Boston - April, 2006
LinuxWorld Boston - April, 2006
Jerry Feldman
[JOB] Senior HP-UX Engineer/Architect
Jerry Feldman
Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Rich Braun
Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Ed Hill
Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Cole Tuininga
Quick C question
Anthony Gabrielson
Quick C question
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Quick C question
Seth Gordon
Quick C question
Anthony Gabrielson
Quick C question
Josh ChaitinPollak
Quick C question
Gordon Marx
Quick C question
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Quick C question
Anthony Gabrielson
Quick C question
Jerry Feldman
Quick C question
Josh ChaitinPollak
Quick C question
Kevin D. Clark
<Possible follow-ups>
Quick C question
markw at mohawksoft.com
Jerry Feldman
[blu] gpsdrive
Ben Jackson
[blu] gpsdrive
Jerry Feldman
[blu] gpsdrive
Kent Borg
pbnj - nmap and amap related tool
Joshua D. Abraham
ODF - Andy Updegrove's blog
Findings Re: Kernel version 2.6 -- RAID performance woes?
Rich Braun
URL for free HP training classes
David Kramer
[JOB] Senior HP-UX Administrator/Architect
Jerry Feldman
Looking for rackmount severs
Josh ChaitinPollak
Looking for rackmount severs
John Abreau
[blu] Looking for rackmount severs
Ben Jackson
Energy-saving Linux file server
Rich Braun
break-in attempts on my server
David Kramer
break-in attempts on my server
Kent Borg
break-in attempts on my server
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
break-in attempts on my server
David Kramer
break-in attempts on my server
Kent Borg
break-in attempts on my server
Bill Horne
break-in attempts on my server
David Kramer
break-in attempts on my server
nmeyers at javalinux.net
break-in attempts on my server
Cole Tuininga
break-in attempts on my server
David Hummel
break-in attempts on my server
David Kramer
break-in attempts on my server
Bob George
break-in attempts on my server
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
break-in attempts on my server
Kent Borg
break-in attempts on my server
Kent Borg
break-in attempts on my server
break-in attempts on my server
Kent Borg
break-in attempts on my server
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
break-in attempts on my server
Jerry Feldman
break-in attempts on my server
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
break-in attempts on my server
Rich Braun
break-in attempts on my server
David Hummel
break-in attempts on my server
Joshua D. Abraham
break-in attempts on my server
Rosenstrauch, David
OPENING - Sr/Prin Linux Drivers Eng
John Spencer
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
Rich Braun
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
Kent Borg
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
Nicholas Bodley
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
Bill Horne
Message not available
PW management (was Re: break-in attempts)
Rich Braun
LCD panels -- buyer beware
Rich Braun
LCD panels -- buyer beware
Anthony Gabrielson
LCD panels -- buyer beware
Robert La Ferla
<Possible follow-ups>
LCD panels -- buyer beware
Rich Braun
LCD panels -- buyer beware
Robert L Krawitz
UNIX process monitor
Tom Metro
UNIX process monitor
Jeff Kinz
RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
johnmalloy at comcast.net
RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Dave Berry
RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Jerry Feldman
<Possible follow-ups>
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
johnmalloy at comcast.net
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Jerry Feldman
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Charles C. Bennett, Jr.
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Rich Braun
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
FW: Re: RedHat AS 2.1 (kernel panic)
Jerry Feldman
D Eric Chadbourne
Jerry Feldman
D Eric Chadbourne
Jerry Feldman
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Josh ChaitinPollak
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Cole Tuininga
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Cole Tuininga
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Josh ChaitinPollak
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Josh ChaitinPollak
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
can't cleanly log out of ssh
can't cleanly log out of ssh
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
can't cleanly log out of ssh
can't cleanly log out of ssh
John Chambers
[corradolist] 5 lug conversion
Josh ChaitinPollak
Data recovery
James Kramer
Data recovery
Data recovery
Data recovery
James R. Van Zandt
Data recovery
Data recovery
Jerry Feldman
Data recovery
Data recovery
Jerry Feldman
Data recovery
Nicholas Bodley
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Stephen Adler
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Jerry Feldman
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Stephen Adler
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Ed Hill
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Chris Ball
gcc 3.4 vs 4.0
Jerry Feldman
volume gain utility for Quicktime (.mov) videos?
Robert La Ferla
Burning SUSE 10 DBD
David Kramer
Burning SUSE 10 DBD
Jerry Feldman
Burning SUSE 10 DBD
David Kramer
LPI Study Materials
RAID dead drive? raidtools-1.00.3-2.i386
analyst.3852505 at bloglines.com
RAID dead drive? raidtools-1.00.3-2.i386
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
<Possible follow-ups>
RAID dead drive? raidtools-1.00.3-2.i386
Rich Braun
OT: zoom x5 adsl modem
Cell phone opinions/options
Cell phone opinions/options
Robert La Ferla
Cell phone opinions/options
dan at geer.org
Cell phone opinions/options
Robert L Krawitz
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Rich Braun
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Ward Vandewege
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Mike Gorse
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
nmeyers at javalinux.net
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Mark J. Dulcey
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Scott Ehrlich
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Jerry Feldman
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Gordon Marx
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Jerry Feldman
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Scott Ehrlich
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Jerry Feldman
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Kent Borg
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Alex Pennace
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
John Abreau
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Mark J. Dulcey
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Robert La Ferla
<Possible follow-ups>
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Rich Braun
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Ward Vandewege
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Mark J. Dulcey
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Rich Braun
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Gordon Marx
OT Re: Cell phone opinions/options
Jerry Feldman
courier IMAP login setup
David Kramer
Courier IMAP authentication problem
David Kramer
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
nmeyers at javalinux.net
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Derek Atkins
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Ward Vandewege
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Matthew Gillen
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Andrew Medico
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Matthew Gillen
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
Sarah McGlinchey
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
Network routing mystery; ssh works, vncviewer doesnt
John Abreau
[OT]802.11g signal strength
Jerry Feldman
saving money by moving my mail/Web server out of my basement?
Seth Gordon
saving money by moving my mail/Web server out of my basement?
David Cass
saving money by moving my mail/Web server out of my basement?
nmeyers at javalinux.net
[blu] saving money by moving my mail/Web server out of my basement?
Ben Jackson
Email novice requesting help with ISP authorization
Ilane Walberg
Setting up SMTP AUTH with pine, Earthlink suggests I "contact Linux Support"
Ilane Walberg
Setting up SMTP AUTH with pine, Earthlink suggests I "contact Linux Support" (OT)
Bill Horne
Message not available
Setting up SMTP AUTH with pine, Earthlink suggests I "contact Linux Support" (OT)
Bill Horne
Setting up SMTP AUTH
Rich Braun
please test your speakeasy connection
Rajiv Aaron Manglani
Job with Red Hat (Westford) as Fedora Test Lead
Tim Burke
call to arms
dan at geer.org
<Possible follow-ups>
call to arms
Rich Braun
M Smith
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Jerry Feldman
Kevin D. Clark
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Robert La Ferla
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
dsr at tao.merseine.nu
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Jerry Feldman
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Robert La Ferla
Comcast SMTP / Thunderbird woes
Recommended compiler for Python?
Valo S. Gonzalez
[no subject]
Mail converted by
Boston Linux & Unix / webmaster@blu.org